Tuesday, September 4, 2012

Andalusia: 12 arrested for protesting in a bank office

The Andalusian Worker March continues with its string of nonviolent actions against the injustices of Capitalism. Today twelve activists occupied a bank office of Banesto in Casabermeja, remaining inside for 45 minutes. Police arrested them eventually. 

The March, under the slogan Andalusia standing!, is closely watched by a massive police deployment, however they seem unable to impede their actions, which often happen at the sidelines of the march itself.

Communist MP Alberto Garzón protested the arrests denouncing in Twitter that the true white collar criminals are never arrested

Source[es]: Público (incl. video), EH Sozialista.

Student unions call for mobilizations in October

Student unions of several nations under the boot of the Spanish state have called for a day of struggle on October 11th. These are unions from the Basque Country, Galicia, Catalonia, Andalusia, Castile, Asturias, Aragon and Cantabria. Among their claims is that each nation has the right to decide on their own education programs and methods and that the only way to achieve that is with full sovereignty (versus the Spanish imperialist centralist imposition).

At least in Catalonia, Basque Country and Galicia the journey will be one of student strike. 

Source: Público[es].

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