Saturday, September 8, 2012

Spain: coward Nazis don't show up

A Neonazi ad-hoc organization "Justice and Freedom" had called a rally to "defend" the supermarket Mercadona at Vallecas (a worker suburb of Madrid) after other organizations had called for a protest there yesterday in solidarity with the arrested members of the Andalusian Workers' Union (SAT) who expropriated food from another supermarket in Seville weeks ago. 

Honoring a century-long history of cowardice and lowliness, not a single Nazi showed up. Instead hundreds protested against Mercadona and the Bourgeois repression against union activists. 

Actually there was a rumor that four posh boys were hiding in the back side of the building but when the antifascists attempted to reach them, police impeded this action. As soon as this happened the presumed Nazis run away back to their holes.

Source: Público[es].

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