Thursday, May 3, 2012

Basque Country: even more arrests in Pamplona for March 29th general strike

Ateak Ireki[es] reports today that some other five people have been arrested overnight on unclear accusations of strike-related activities dating to March 29th. There seems to be some judge with particular passion for repressing labor-unionists because this is not happening anywhere else (except in Barcelona where police creates riots each time there is a class demo - but it seems a police management issue not a judicial one). 

The exact accusations are "public disorders" and "vulneration of the right to work", very generic minor accusations that normally would not merit arrest at all. 

Ainhoa Etxaide (pictured) declared to Info Sazpi Irratia[es] that with the only goal of these arrests is to criminalize social mobilization.

Police control on top of a mountain

In a distinct incident that anyhow emphasizes the state of generic repressive madness that Spain imposes to the Basque Nation, a Guardia Civil cell set up camp atop of mountain Adarra, near Urnieta, and forced mountaineers to show identification (under Spanish law if don't carry it you can be arrested and certainly fined, just like in Apartheid South Africa). The previous day they did the same on the nearby mountain Oini. (Source SA[es]).

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