Tuesday, December 4, 2012

Mexico: one bordering death, dozens injured, hundreds arrested

That is the provisional and imprecise balance of the inaugural day of "President" Peña.

Juan Francisco Quinquedal (or Kuykendall), 67, known as Kuy, a prominent figure of La Otra Campaña (or expanding Zapatismo outside Chiapas), was critically injured and may well lose his life after police charged brutally against demonstrators breaking his head in pieces (pictured).

According to a witness, Teodulfo Torres y Juan Francisco Kuy were walking by the Federal Congress towards the concentration of people called by the #YoSoy132 Movement. Just when passing some 10 meters away from the security fences, gun thunder was heard and tear gas was thrown all around without any warning nor apparent provocation. Then Torres took out a video camera to film the events and right away Kuy fell to the floor. Some people tried to help him but police at first impeded them from approaching.

What follows is in this video, maybe the one filmed by Torres or maybe someone else:

Some of the most severely injured by police terrorism today in Mexico are: Carlos Jair (24, student at the UCAM and member of the Struggle Committee), Julián Uriel Sandoval Díaz (hit on the right eye), Rubén Fuentes Pablos (31, shot in the leg with live ammunition), etc.

The police aggression triggered a succession of skirmishes through the largest city of North America. The result, according to official figures was of dozens injured and more than one hundred arrested.

Protests were also held in many other cities of the Mesoamerican country, and in some cases at least they were also violently repressed, as mentioned earlier regarding Guadalajara (second largest Mexican city), with at least 45 injured and 30 arrested. 

I don't have data for the rest of the country. 

Source: LINyM[es].

For videos of Guadalajara repression see my previous entry on this matter, for example.

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