Wednesday, December 12, 2012

Austerity? For military expenditure!

While pensions, education, healthcare, social services... are all being demolished on the alleged austerity drive in Europe, a sector that is almost never affected is the military. Yet we all know it's the most useless one and certainly costly. 

Basque labor unionists protested yesterday in Bilbao precisely against military waste under the slogan: let us improve public healthcare, no to military expenditure!

In the infamous Kingdom of Spain healthcare budget has been slashed this year by 22%, social services and subsidies by 20% and education 15%. Meanwhile the budget of the Ministry of Defense (defense against whom?) was increased 11%, from €7.7 billion to €8.6 billion!!!

The Western Basque Country pays as tribute (cupo or share) to Spain just for the military wastage and (undesired) occupation nothing less than €553 millions!!!

The Kingdom of Spain owes to the military industry €32 billion!!!

Austerity my ass!!!

Source: Herri Kolore[es].

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