From The Commune:
what can the people’s assembly do for the people?
This Saturday more than 3,000 people are expected to attend the People’s Assembly Against Austerity in London. John Keeley examines what it offers the people.
The CoR is largely a Counterfire (John Ress, Lindsey German, Chris
Nineham) initiative. As such it conforms to the united-front tactic of
enabling revolutionaries to engage & shape things working alongside
non-revolutionary workers. By bringing together those who are
essentially social democrats, wanting to defend the welfare state but
not challenge capitalism, with trade unionists who have the power to
lead strike action, & those who are already clear that capitalism is
the problem, there is the possibility of reforms that benefit the
working class leading to demands for more reforms & the eventual
overthrow of capitalism.
Obviously, the success or otherwise of such a strategy largely
depends upon the material conditions. As I’ve mentioned many times
before, I believe that capitalism is in real trouble, & what we are
now seeing is the politics catching up with the economics. In
otherwords, the workers have been suffering, there’s little prospect
this will end, indeed it’s more likely to increase, & hence
consciousness is now changing & more & more people want to do
something about it.
Finally, this is resulting in the left starting to work together,
realising that petty arguments over the nature of the Russian Revolution
are not vitally important, even that ‘democratic-centralism’ has been
largely undemocratic & totally unappealing to today’s generation.
The word that is catching on more & more is ‘participation’.
People want involvement. They want to be involved in decision-making.
They are sick of the elites; whether professional politicians, bankers
& other corporate fat-cats, even professional revolutionaries &
trade union leaders who have constantly sold out their members. So we
will have to see how much power the union leaders have & whether
they are brave enough to lead the fight or become a hindrance.
The draft statement that the People’s Assembly is being asked to
endorse talks about defending education, health & welfare provision.
It aims to unite the anti-cuts movement & states its goal as being
to “make the government abandon its austerity programme”. All limited
but quite sensible. It then goes on to say it intends to “develop
rapidly key policies and an alternative programme for a new
anti-austerity government”. What does this mean? For many, no doubt, it
will be to get the Labour party elected. The ‘One-Nation’ Labour party
of Ed Miliband & Ed Balls who have no intention of reversing many of
the cuts already made or proposed by the Tories in their vain attempt
to convince the City, & big business in general, that they are no
threat to capitalism – which they clearly are not. The Labour party are
now very openly a pro-business party & therefore cannot be a party
for the workers. This will be a battle to be fought by all involved in
the People’s Assembly.
There are positives though. Through the building of local people’s
assemblies based upon participatory decision-making, there’s a real
chance that a movement based upon real people power can take on its own
momentum. The union leaders & professional politicians may well find
that the people do not follow them in the direction they want to go –
social democracy, for many – but get a real taste of their power &
ability to shape things. One of the first tests will be the proposed
national day of civil disobedience on Guy Fawkes Day – 5th
November. Will the more radical elements end up being disowned by the
union leaders or will there be a ground-swell of support for a General
Strike? As protests spread throughout the world & an economy on a
knife’s-edge, where things go is quite hard to predict.
The People’s Assembly, just like Left Unity, it’s an initiative that
allows revolutionaries to reach a larger number of people who are being
increasingly radicalised by the current crisis. As such I think it’s a
vehicle that should not be ignored. For too long now revolutionaries
have held ideologically pure positions where, in their own minds at
least, they are right & everyone else is wrong. Here’s an
opportunity to engage with others, & although many will not agree,
increasing numbers will. The world is going to change, don’t let it pass
you by.
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