Wednesday, April 27, 2011

Chávez denounced for arresting and extraditing Colombian journalist

Pérez being arrested in Caracas
The stand of "revolutionary" Venezuelan President Hugo Chávez and the PSUV is being seriously questioned after he extradited a journalist and politician to Colombia, a true terror state. 

There have been other slips in the recent past. Last year Venezuela arrested and extradited to Spain a Basque-German internationalist (who had been traveling through all America without problems and was later set free anyhow), recently he has been negotiating with the Honduran coupists, who promote the murdering of peasants in Bajo Aguán... but extraditing people to terrorist Colombia, that's the last thing! 

mass grave
If you do that you cannot claim anymore to be revolutionary of any sort: you are just like the rest, Hugo. 

Swedish-Colombian journalist and politician Joaquín Pérez Becerra was extradited to Colombia today, where he can expect anything but a fair trial or respect for his rights. Colombia is a fascist state with a pretext of democracy, where opposition activists are systematically murdered, holding the dubious record of being the state worldwide where most labor unionists are killed: 60% of all such victims throughout the World are Colombians. 

While Pérez was claimed by Interpol Pérez was not claimed by Interpol (as was claimed initially), he had status of political exile in Sweden, where he married, getting the Swedish (and hence EU) citizenship.

Some have begun comparing Chávez to Gaddafi when, in the 1990s, got scared and began yielding to the imperialist powers, also extraditing one of its citizens to the UK, where he was unjustly imprisoned for almost two decades accused of the Lockerby bombing (which was an inside job, we all know). Regardless that Gaddafi is a military ruler with, at best, weak popular support, it is clear that all his concessions helped him nothing: Rome does not pay traitors¹.

Update (Apr 28): 

About a hundred intellectuals, activists and organizations have signed in this regard a harsh open letter to Hugo Chávez. You can read it (in Spanish) at Rebelión.

They clarify that there was no such Interpol "red arrest order" at all but that the Colombian aristocratic President, José Manuel Santos (a war criminal and a fascist by all standards), called Chávez (his own declarations to the press):

On Saturday, I phoned President Chávez and told him that a very important guy from the FARC was arriving in a Lufthansa flight that afternoon to Caracas and whether he could arrest him. He did not doubt: he had him arrested and is going to give him to us. 

He did not doubt?! He believed straight away what a fascist war criminal bourgeois silver spoon puppet of Washington and friend of the narco mafias told him on the phone?! What the heck!

Pérez Becerra was not allowed an attorney, nor the assistance of the Swedish consul, nor a judiciary review of any sort. 

No European government ever yielded to the demands by Bogotá of extraditing Pérez Becerra (who is a EU citizen but earlier a political refugee).

Why Caracas? There is something deeply disturbing in this behavior of President Chávez: it is outright stupid, a political suicide.


¹ Allegedly said by Roman Proconsul Quintus Servilius Caepio when the assassins of Lusitanian leader Viriatus claimed their reward. He had them killed instead.

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