Thursday, March 22, 2012

Serbian fascist mafia members arrested in Valencia

Those who are old enough to remember the wars of the Balcans have surely heard of the infamous fascist mafioso and terrorist Arkan, as well as his death squad, known as Arkan's Tigers, which spread terror among Bosnians and Kosovars. While Arkan was killed in 2000, his organization outlived him and became a major mafia again, known as Zemun Clan.

Now Sare Antifaxista reports[es] that some of its members have been arrested in Valencia: Luka Bojović (boss), Vladimir Mijanović "Zuba" (liutenant) and Siniša Petrić "Zenica"(hitman).

They rejected food and water for days for fear of being given the truth drug. Remnants of one of their victims (an alleged traitor of their own gang) were found in the Manzanares river, Madrid. parts of him had been eaten by the other members.

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