Wednesday, August 8, 2012

Andalusia: direct action: expropriating food to supermarkets for the needy families

Groups of activists of the Andalusian Workers' Union (SAT) expropriated food (basic products) from supermarkets in Écija and Arcos de la Frontera in order to give it to the people, either by means of charities or town halls.


In the relevant entry at their site, the SAT, criticizes Andalusian President Mr. Griñán with the following words (my translation):

Banks, which have left more than 300,000 families without home by means of inhuman evictions which happen everyday,  are bailed out; one million and a half Andalusians, many of whom do not have any benefit, are left without a job; VAT (sales tax) is risen at the same time that an amnesty for tax evaders is decreed; billions of euros of public money, belonging to all us, are given away to banksters while they keep credit blocked for small companies and the self-employed; rights and social services are cut as if these were the ones causing the crisis; Christmas pay is taken from of public servants in order to give 23.5 billion euros to Bankia in the most expensive bank bail-out ever in the history of Spain... and for some journalists this is something normal and logic.

However giving first need food to families who have nothing to eat seems to them a terrible barbarity. In that sense manifested in Twitter President Griñán, who had no qualm in cutting rights and salaries to the workers of the Andalusian Junta and who, being Minister of Labor under Felipe González, applied a labor regressive and conservative policy that legalized precariousness and caused a general strike.

It is a shame to watch some well-fed chieftains like Griñán come out in defense of the interests of a large multinational like Mercadona which have many denounces for worker stalking. Griñán: you better shut up.

Bailing out people, that must be the priority in these times of crisis. Impede that these families lose their homes, give one immediately to those who lost it already; avoid that more jobs are destroyed, forbid immediately work redundancies and closure of companies and impel public job plans; stop giving money to the banksters, demand the immediate devolution of all public funds already given away and nationalize the banks; reduce the VAT, rise taxes to the wealthiest ones, persecute tax evasion... and, of course, give first need food to those who have nothing. And this, Mr. Griñán, is not any barbarity. Barbarity is what you do. Barbarism is this Capitalist system that you so eagerly defend. 

The last paragraph looks like a program I would vote for, indeed.

Popular loot of first need food


The Spanish Government has ordered, at the instance of Mercadona corporation, that the circa 400 workers who took part in these popular expropriations be arrested and put to trial. He also criticized the support of United Left for this direct action (source: Público[es]).

Considering that the Andalusian prisons, designed to host some 7000 immates, are already at almost triple their capacity (more than 17,000), I suspect that the Working Class of Andalusia and all the Spanish State has found a less-violent or cuasi-nonviolent method to put the state against the ropes (and get to eat and and a bed to sleep for free), bypassing the major unions, so reluctant to call a permanent wildcat general strike as should be the case. 

We can also go to Germany and assault supermarkets in Frankfurt... and let's see if Merkel blinks or what.

The alternative to theses less-violent self-bailout methods, would be what other working class activists are doing in Galicia, putting bombs against Spain and Capitalism (source: La Haine[ga/es]). 

Or of course to march to the New Aushcwitz of death by unemployment and homelessness like sheep - not really an option.

So I'd dare say that this method of massive good-hearted robbery is a good method with lots of potential.

Fight or die!

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