Wednesday, July 6, 2011

Madrid neighbors react to police abuse of immigrant by nonviolent action, hush police away (video)

A very sympathetic and powerful spontaneous action took place yesterday in the popular Madrid neighborhood of Lavapiés. When police was mistreating a Senegalese immigrant, a dozen people began yelling at them, catalyzing around them more and more neighbors who eventually pushed police out of the neighborhood.

The cries of the people are:

El pueblo unido jamás será vencido (the united people will never be defeated)
Estas son nuestras armas (showing their hands) (these are our weapons)
No somos delincuentes, somos los vecinos (we are not criminals, we are the neighbors)
Respuesta! (response!)
Fuera del barrio! (out of the neighborhood!)
Ningún ser humano es ilegal (no human being is illegal)
Barrio unido contra el racismo (united neighborhood against racism)

Sadly enough we have to read almost everyday on growing racism, typically supported by the institutions. For that reason a popular action like this one is most important, showing that the people can also be mobilized against racism, for inter-ethnic class union, which is what our oppressors, our enemies, fear the most.

Source: Sare Antifaxista[es].

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