Saturday, January 11, 2014

Spain: class riots in Burgos and Melilla

The rather conservative city of Burgos has been burning these days as the citizenry of the popular neighborhood of Gamonal rejected the bourgeois plans to build a new boulevard and underground parking, rift with arbitrariness and likely corruption.

Clashes between police and protesters extended for hours.


Update: 17 arrested in Burgos → Naiz Info[es].

Update (Jan 12): more riots this morning in demand of the freedom of those arrested → Naiz Info[es].

Update (Jan 12): 23 people were arrested (11 of them minors) in this second night of fire in Burgos, 12 people are reported injured → Sare Antifaxista[es].

In the colonial enclave of Melilla (Rif, North Africa) several working class neighborhoods rioted (again) against brutal unemployment. 

Police charged with everything including massive amounts of tear gas, which entered the homes threatening the lives of children. 

Also there seems to have been an incident with live fire. Someone may have shot against police with a functional automatic gun. Although nobody was injured a bullet was found embedded in the shield of a riot police agent. 


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